

Note: This page is under construction. If you have suggestions for inclusion please do not hesitate to contact me. The responsibility for the links is with the owners of the respective URL. These links do not aim to be complete and reflect a subjective selection.


This journal provides a forum for recent advances in the emerging and evolving field of biospecimen procurement, processing, preservation, and banking. It publishes a range of original articles focusing on current challenges and problems related to the processing of macromolecules, cells, and tissues. It also explores the ethical, legal, and societal considerations surrounding biobanking and biorepository operation

Cell and Tissue Banking is an international journal for practical aspects of banking, engineering and transplantation of cells and tissues.

Cryobiology is an international journal of low temperature biology and medicine that publishes research articles on all aspects of low temperature biology and medicine. Research areas include cryoprotective additives and their pharmacological actions, cryosurgery, freeze-drying, freezing, frost hardiness in plants, hibernation, hypothermia, medical applications of reduced temperature, perfusion of organs etc. Cryobiology is the official journal of the Society for Cryobiology.

CryoLetters is an international journal for low temperature sciences, including cryobiology, cryopreservation or vitrification of cells and tissues, chemical and physical aspects of freezing and drying, and studies involving ecology of cold environments, and cold adaptation. The journal publishes studies of the effects produced by low temperatures on a wide variety of scientific and technical processes, or those involving low temperature techniques in the investigation of physical, chemical, biological and ecological problems.

Cytotherapy is the Official Journal of the International Society for Cellular Therapy (ISCT). Coverage encompasses important new therapies emerging from the manipulation of cytokines and cells, as well as bringing readers the very latest developments news and opinion in the fast-moving fi eld of vaccines, cytokine and cellular therapy. A particular emphasis is on the translation of research from the laboratory into clinical practice.

The International Journal of Refrigeration covers the theory and practice of refrigeration, including heat pumps, air conditioning, and food storage and transport. It is published for the International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR) and is of interest for those wishing to keep abreast of research and industrial news in refrigeration, air conditioning and associated fields. This is particularly important in these times of rapid introduction of alternative refrigerants and the emergence of new technology. The journal has published special issues on alternative refrigerants and novel topics in the field of boiling, condensation, heat pumps, food refrigeration, carbon dioxide, ammonia, hydrocarbons, magnetic refrigeration at room temperature, sorptive cooling, and phase change materials and slurries.

Internet Publications/Manuals

A very readable document on temperature, thermometers, heat and cold and thermodynamics, kinetic gas theory, thermal radiation, temperature of the universe. Prepared by Beverly T Lynds for middle school math teachers. Interesting for the general public (e.g. medical doctors working in the field of low temperatures); also available in Spanish.

Second edition of a manual (5 MB PDF) of the general principles of cryobiology, written by John Morris from Asymptote Ltd. This guide aims to provide this understanding by explaining the physical principles underlying cryopreservation and setting them in the context of cryobiology. Examples are presented relating to embryo and spermatozoa cryopreservation for use in in vitro fertilization (IVF) and assisted reproduction technologies (ART) and peripheral blood mononucelar Cell (PBMCs) cryopreservation important for many clinical studies.

Introduction for (under)graduate students/academicians to thermal and physical stresses at low temperatures and/or low hydration by Joe Wolfe and Gary Bryant, Sydney/Melbourne (Australia).

A readable summary of the field of cryobiology written by a college biology student (Krista Nussbaum) in 1999. Listed in nearly every search, but with some rather confused opinions about the intent of the field.

Useful and detailed introduction to cell preservation from a commercial company (Nalgene Nunc), also downloadable as PDF. Helpful to the user.

From the Bookshelf (most recent first)

Council of Europe Publishing, Strasbourg, France
This guide contains a compendium of measures designed to ensure safety, efficacy and quality of blood components and is particularly intended for all those working in blood transfusion services. It describes the different blood components and gives information on their clinical indications and possible side effects. This guide continues to be the "golden standard" for blood transfusion services and forms the basis for many national guidelines in Europe and outside. This 16th Edition of the Guide contains amendments which take into account comments made during the consultation procedure of the draft 15th and 16th Editions where National Health Authorities as well as interested parties were invited to comment on the proposed text.

Kiefel V (ed.); Springer, Berlin
Comprehensive German standard work on transfusion medicine; over 40 chapters by over 40 authors and coauthors, contains chapters on cryopreservation, peripheral blood stem cells, cord blood.

Roback JD, Grossmann J, Harris T, Hillver CD (eds.) , AABB, Bethesda, MD, USA
Now in the 17th edition, AABB’s Technical Manual remains one of the most globally referenced sources of information in blood banking, transfusion medicine and cellular therapy. It is considered a comprehensive text that is sought after as a valuable resource assisting both seasoned professionals and newcomers in finding critical information quickly.

Für die Herstellung und Anwendung von Blutprodukten stellt die Bundesärztekammer seit langem gemeinsam mit dem Paul-Ehrlich-Institut den allgemein anerkannten Stand der medizinischen Wissenschaft und Technik in Richtlinien fest. Diese Aufgabe ist seit 1998 mit dem Transfusionsgesetz (TFG) gesetzlich übertragen. Die Anpassungen ergeben sich insbesondere aus einzelnen Diskrepanzen zwischen Regelungen der Richtlinien und den Querschnitts-Leitlinien Hämotherapie der Bundesärztekammer bei Vorgaben zur Bestrahlung von Blutprodukten und zur Anwendung CMV-negativer Blutprodukte sowie aus einem Gutachten der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Transfusionsmedizin und Immunhämatologie zum Spendevolumen und der Spendefrequenz im Rahmen einer Plasmapherese. Zusätzlich wurden deklaratorische Verweise auf arzneimittelrechtliche Regelungen nach Verabschiedung der 15. AMG-Novelle an die veränderte Rechtslage angepasst.

English translation of the German Guidelines compiled by the Executive Committee of the German Medical Association on the recommendation of the Scientific Advisory Board. According to articles 12 a and 18, the Transfusionsgesetz (TFG, German Transfusion Act) rules that the German Medical Association (GMA) determines the generally accepted current state of scientific knowledge in medicine and technology regarding the preparation of blood and blood components as well as their application by developing and publishing Guides. According to article 18 TFG, the German Guide for Hemotherapy contains rules and regulations for the administration of blood products. The present Cross-sectional Guidelines contain recommendations regarding the selection of blood components and plasma derivatives as well as their indication and therapeutic administration. In comparison to disease-oriented guidelines, these Cross-sectional Guidelines focus on the critical assessment of a multitude of hemato-therapeutic treatments.

Die Neuauflage der Leitlinien zeichnet sich durch eine Fokussierung auf Schlüsselempfehlungen aus. Die Leitlinienautoren prüften dabei die aus tradiertem klinischem Wissen abgeleiteten Behandlungsgrundsätze und Dosierungsangaben nach dem Stand der Wissenschaft kritisch und entwickelten neue Handlungsempfehlungen. Diese nach Empfehlungsgrad und Evidenzlevel klassifizierten Empfehlungen zielen auf konkrete Problemstellungen aus der täglichen Behandlungspraxis.

Day JG, Stacey G (eds.) Humana Press, Totowa, USA
This second edition of Cryopreservation and Freeze-Drying Protocols offers a compilation of robust, reproducible techniques for the conservation of a wide range of biological materials. This widely expanded second edition includes novel approaches and protocols for biological materials that were not preservable when the first edition was published in 1995.

This volume begins with a discussion of long term ex situ conservation of biological resources, the role of biological resource centers, and fundamental principles of freeze-drying and cryopreservation. Each chapter focuses on the preservation of specific biological materials, including proteins, mircroorganisms, cell lines, and multicellular structures. Coverage presents detailed descriptions of the materials required and stepwise protocols for each preservation method, along with explanatory notes that highlight key technical issues. The troubleshooting and background notes provided for each protocol enhance this practical and reliable resource for the conservation and sustainable use of biological resources.

Fuller BJ, Lane N, Benson, EE (eds.); CRC Press, Boca Raton, USA
Refrigeration or freezing prevents the decay of living things, but science has recently begun to explore whether cold not only prevents decay, but also preserves life. An interdisciplinary subject that combines fundamental research on organisms adapted to natural freezing stresses and emerging areas of applied biotechnology and biology, cryobiology is starting to play an increasingly important role in medicine, agriculture, horticulture and forestry, as well as the conservation of endangered or economically important plant, animal and microbial species. Life in the Frozen State is a comprehensive review of the effects of freezing on living organisms. A major feature of the book is the combining of fundamental theory and practice across a wide range of species and applications.

Brecher ME, McClannan L, Stevens WT, Shulman IA (eds.) AABB, Bethesda, MD, USA
A collection of commonly asked questions from medical directors, blood bank supervisors, laboratory managers, bench technologists and nursing personnel. It contains material in a broad range of categories that cover many aspects of transfusion medicine, from the time of donation through testing, choice of component, transfusion and patient care. In past editions, occasional question ideas were gleaned from the California Blood Bank Society website. However, in this edition, roughly half of the questions are from the California Blood Bank Society; this joint effort has enhanced the content’s value.

Szczepiorkowski Z; Snyder EL (eds.); AABB, Bethesda, MD, USA
53 short contributions (on average 2 pages); intention: To cover in a concise fashion new developments in the field (time will show…).

Snyder EL; Haley NR (eds.); AABB, Bethesda, MD, USA
It is exactly what you expect it to be: something to start with if you are a medical professional and involved with hematopoietic progenitor cells for the first time. Contains a very readable chapter of 15 pages regarding cryopreservation.

Steponkus PL (ed.); JAI Press, London, UK.
6 contributions from 15 experts in the field.

Lasky LC; Warkentin PI (eds.); AABB, Bethesda, MD, USA
Proceedings of a conference in Tampa, FL, USA, held March 7-9, 1993; 13 chapters on what the title says, including aspects of cryopreservation.

Brecher ME; Lasky LC; Sacher RA; Issitt LA (eds.); AABB, Bethesda, MD, USA
8 chapters on hematopoietic stem cell processing including cryopreservation.

Steponkus PL (ed.); JAI Press, London, UK.
14 contributions from 13 experts in the field.

Smith DM; Sacher RA (eds.); AABB, Bethesda, MD, USA
5 chapters by 5 authors on peripheral blood stem cell transplantation.

Steponkus PL (ed.); JAI Press, London, UK.
14 contributions from 13 experts in the field.

Davenport J; Kluwer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands
This book is concerned with the behavioral, physiological and biochemical responses of animals to cold, including details of anatomical adaptations. It draws together the results of recent research into topics such as hibernation, antifreeze in fish, the evolution of warm-bloodedness and the importance of cold to evolution and extinction. The book opens with a chapter devoted to the basic concepts of the chemistry and physics of low temperature, the biochemistry of heat production and the categorization of animals such as ectotherms and endotherms. After describing current and past temperate and arctic environments the chapters go on to describe the behavior, anatomy and physiology of animals exposed to cold conditions. Cryobiology is dealt with in detail including the functions of fish antifreezes, thermal hysteresis proteins and cryoprotective agents. There is a large section devoted to humans, essentially tropical apes that have successfully colonized cold regions of the world by behavioral and technological means. Finally the author addresses low temperature as an agent of evolutionary change including mutation and recombination rates. For undergraduates and research workers.

Sacher RA; AuBuchon JP (eds.); AABB, Bethesda, MD, USA
Contains some information on the collection and preservation of bone marrow and peripheral blood progenitor cells.

Areman EM; Deeg HJ; Sacher RA (eds.); F.A. Davis, Philadelphia, USA
12 chapters by experts in the field; contains valuable information on practical laboratory techniques including cryopreservation.

Fuller, BJ; Grout BWW (eds.) CRC Press, Boca Raton, USA
This book presents a 1991 state-of-the-art summary of the applications of low temperature to clinical situations, together with details of the underlying principles of biology. It provides specific information for the clinicians and research workers in a number of areas of current interest and attempts to provide a unifying theme of cryobiology of interest and value to those researching a clinical problem. Specific topics discussed include the effects of low temperatures on mammalian systems in the absence of ice and how the changes can be modulated to achieve desired results; low temperature storage of tissues and organs for transplantation in the liquid state; the effects of whole body hypothermia in man and how it relates to mammal hibernation; problems associated with ice formation and the subsequent freezing of cells and tissues; cryopreservation of blood cells, reproductive cells, and tissues, such as the skin and cornea. Other interesting issues featured include the developments in cryopreservation of large, highly-organized structures and the destructive powers of ice formation in cryosurgery of diseased tissues.

Morgan, JA, Roos N; Springer, Berlin, Germany
This handbook describes the principles of low temperatures in the field of electron microscopy. Prior knowledge of electron microscopy is assumed. The handbook is written primarily for researchers, postgraduate students and technicians who are familiar with the basics of biological electron microscopy, but have little experience of cryofixation techniques. It provides practical guidelines, for example how a specimen is sectioned or otherwise presented as a thin film for examination in the TEM.

Smit-Sibinga CT, Das PC, Meryman HT (eds.); Kluwer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands
Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Blood Transfusion held at Groningen, The Netherlands, October 11-13, 1989; keywords: blood, cryopreservation, organ storage, blood transfusion.

Grout BWW, Morris GJ (eds.); Edward Arnold
15 state-of the-art contributions from 13 authors on fundamental principles, techniques, applications and environmental aspect of low temperature biology.

Pegg DE; Karow MJ (eds.); Plenum Press, New York, USA
Proceedings of a NATO Advanced Study Institute on Biophysics of Organ Cryopreservation in Atlanta, GA, USA, held April 12-15, 1987; from the foreword: "The central problem remains unsolved in the sense that we still cannot cryopreserve a mammalian organ in a state that will satisfy a transplant surgeon." (Pegg DE & Karow MJ, 1987)

Fawcett K; Barr AR (eds.); AABB, Arlington, VA (USA)
Proceedings of an early AABB workshop on tissue banking.

Kurz W; Fisher DJ; Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland
This textbook presents a picture of the majority of solidification phenomena which control the formation of microstructures. Solidification phenomena play an important role in many processes used in a wide range of fields, from production engineering to solid-state physics. Simple models have been developed to attempt to aid understanding of this complex subject. In this text there are a broad range of solidification models to look at, from large tonnage of continuously cast products, through superalloy precision casting, to high-purity single crystals. This book is useful for students and experienced engineers alike, (4th edition is the latest, 1998).

Franks, F; Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK
Cold is the single most important enemy of life, and this book discusses the responses of living organisms to low temperatures. Subfreezing temperatures in particular affect the properties of water, which is essential to life, and the book describes the physics and chemistry of water in the context of physiology. Injury from cooling and the way in which organisms respond and survive, as well as the mechanism of cold hardening in micro-organisms, insects and plants are discussed. The laboratory exploitation of low temperatures to preserve life and to protect labile materials, against freeze damage is also considered.

Robards AW; Elsevier, Orlando, FL, USA
For individuals or laboratories involved in teaching or research activities relating to biological low-temperature microscopy.

Morris, G.; Academic Press, Orlando, FL
Conference proceedings

Franks F (ed.); Plenum Press, New York (USA)
Last volume of a series of 7 devoted to water; 4 chapters by 4 experts.

Ashwood-Smith MJ, Farrant J (eds.); Pitman Medical, Tunbridge Wells, Kent (UK)
A classic; out of print.

Rainer H; Borberg H., Mishler JM; Schaefer U; Schattauer; Stuttgart, (Germany)
Selected papers of an international symposium in Vienna (Austria) held November 9-12, 1977. Including some cryobiological aspects.

Valeri CR; CRC Press, Cleveland, Ohio, USA
A monograph.

Griep, JA (ed.); Alan R. Riss, New York, USA
Proceedings of a symposium held at the Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN (USA), held April 29-30, 1976; 11 contributions from presenters, 4 discussions out of print.

Sumida S; Thieme, Stuttgart, Germany
A monograph; out of print.

Organ Preservation for Transplantation (1974)
Karow AM; Abouna GJM, Humphires AL (eds.); Little, Brown and Company, Boston, MA, USA
23 chapters from 23 authors; state-of-the-art in 1974.

Greenwalt TJ; Jamieson GA; Chanutin A (eds.); Grune & Stratton, New York
Proceedings of the 5th Annual Scientific Symposium of the American National Red Cross; 13 chapters by 13 authors; a typical overview about what was known about erythrocytes ex vivo at that time.

Weiner RS; Oldham RK; Schwarzenberg L (eds.); Editions INSERM, Paris
Proceedings of an International Conference at l'Auditorium de l'Institut de Cancérologie et d'Immunologénétique, Hopital Paul Brousse, Villejuif, France, held June 30, 1973; cryopreservation of hematopoietic cells.

Smith AU (ed.); Plenum Press, New York
A classic; out of print.

Wolstenholme GEW, O´Connor M (eds.); J. & A. Churchill, London
Proceedings Ciba Foundation Symposium, held at London, U.K, May, 20-22, 1969; out of print; contributors (selected): Mazur P, Luyet BJ, Meryman HT, MacKenzie AP, Farrant J, Nei T, Leibo SP.

Turner AR; Gordon and Breach, New York
A review of literature 1949-1968; 10 chapters

Spielmann W; Seidl S (eds.); Fischer, Stuttgart, Germany
Proceedings of an International Symposium at the Dept of Immunohaematology and Blood Transfusion, University Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany, held March 17-18, 1969; 25 chapters by experts in the field, including the preparation and use of frozen blood.

Meryman, HT (ed.); Academic Press, London
15 chapters form 14 authors; form the foreword: "…Cryobiology is clearly at early stage in its development, propelled headlong, by its applications, far beyond the limits of current understanding…" (Meryman HT).

Smith AU; Edward Arnold, London
From the foreword to this monograph: "…I recommend Dr. Smith's monograph to all those interested in this field, because it is the only existing work of its kind, because of the orderly way in which a tremendous array of fact is set out, because of intellectual quality of the discussion and because it is the achievement of a much valued colleague." (Parkes AS).
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